The story takes place in a fictional world, in 1,000 years. The Earth has been abandoned and humans have begun to conquer other planets, but in a trip to the desolate world, Kitai (Jaden Smith, 'Karate Kid') crashes his spaceship in traveling with his father, Jack (Will Smith, 'Men In Black'). Father and son are strange creatures escape and a thousand dangers they face if they want to emerge unscathed from its rugged adventure. However, in his attempt to escape will face more than physical threats. His fraternal relationship is quite worn and both will have to mend fences. director M. Night Shyamalan ("The Sixth Sense") delves into the depths of science fiction movies and adventures in this film starring Will Smith and his real-life son, which also involved Isabelle Fuhrman ("Orphan") , Zoe Kravitz ("X-Men: First Class') and Sophie Okonedo ('Hotel Rwanda').
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After Earth The Movie
The story takes place in a fictional world, in 1,000 years. The Earth has been abandoned and humans have begun to conquer other planets, but in a trip to the desolate world, Kitai (Jaden Smith, 'Karate Kid') crashes his spaceship in traveling with his father, Jack (Will Smith, 'Men In Black'). Father and son are strange creatures escape and a thousand dangers they face if they want to emerge unscathed from its rugged adventure. However, in his attempt to escape will face more than physical threats. His fraternal relationship is quite worn and both will have to mend fences. director M. Night Shyamalan ("The Sixth Sense") delves into the depths of science fiction movies and adventures in this film starring Will Smith and his real-life son, which also involved Isabelle Fuhrman ("Orphan") , Zoe Kravitz ("X-Men: First Class') and Sophie Okonedo ('Hotel Rwanda').
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